Index of names found on Baptisms CDs and Downloads
Matches 1 to 500 of 587
# | Last Name, Given Name(s) | Bapt | Location |
1 |
*, Eleanor | 1575 | Didcot - All Saints |
2 |
ABSOLOM, Eleanor | 1741 | Wallingford - St Mary the More |
3 |
ALDER, Eleanor | 1664 | Denchworth - St James |
4 |
ALDER, Eleanor | 1803 | Letcombe Bassett - St Michael |
5 |
ALEXANDER, Eleanor | 1778 | Reading - St Giles |
6 |
ALLEN, Eleanor | 1682 | Reading - St Giles |
7 |
ALLEN, Eleanor | 1799 | Tilehurst - St Michael |
8 |
ALLEN, Eleanor | 1809 | Hurley - St Mary |
9 |
ALLEN, Eleanor | 1825 | Compton - St Mary & St Nicholas |
10 |
ALLEN, Eleanor | 1838 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
11 |
ALLEN, Eleanor | 1857 | Cookham - Holy Trinity |
12 |
ALLOWAY, Eleanor | 1809 | Wargrave - St Mary |
13 |
ALLWRIGHT, Eleanor | 1755 | Barkham - St James |
14 |
ALRIGHT, Eleanor | 1796 | Swallowfield - All Saints |
15 |
ANDREWS, Eleanor | 1815 | Boxford - St Andrew |
16 |
ANDREWS, Eleanor | 1876 | Reading - St Giles |
17 |
ANGEL, Eleanor | 1755 | Brightwell - St Agatha |
18 |
APPLETON, Eleanor | 1886 | Grazeley - Holy Trinity |
19 |
ARCHER, Eleanor | 1832 | Buckland - St Mary |
20 |
ARMINGER, Eleanor | 1824 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
21 |
ARMSTRONG, Eleanor | 1860 | Reading - St Giles |
22 |
ARNOLD, Eleanor | 1817 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
23 |
ARNOLD, Eleanor | 1817 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
24 |
AWBREY, Eleanor | 1697 | Chieveley - St Mary |
25 |
AXAM, Eleanor | 1834 | Reading - St Giles |
26 |
AYERS, Eleanor | 1829 | Lambourn - St Michael & All Angels |
27 |
AYRES, Eleanor | 1830 | Bray - St Michael |
28 |
BAAL, Eleanor | 1788 | Aston Tirrold - St Michael |
29 |
BAKER, Eleanor | 1789 | White Waltham - St Mary |
30 |
BALCOMB, Eleanor | 1819 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
31 |
BALDING, Eleanor | 1845 | Speenhamland - St Mary |
32 |
BALDWIN, Eleanor | 1767 | Faringdon - All Saints |
33 |
BALL, Eleanor | 1735 | Clewer - St Andrew |
34 |
BALL, Eleanor | 1824 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
35 |
BALL, Eleanor | 1824 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
36 |
BANBURY, Eleanor | 1821 | East Ilsley - St Mary |
37 |
BARKER, Eleanor | 1817 | Sulham - St Nicholas |
38 |
BARNES, Eleanor | 1843 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
39 |
BARNES, Eleanor | 1843 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
40 |
BARTHWICK, Eleanor | 1630 | Winkfield - St Mary |
41 |
BATTELL, Eleanor | 1829 | Winkfield - St Mary |
42 |
BATTELL, Eleanor | 1829 | Winkfield - St Mary |
43 |
BATTEN, Eleanor | 1830 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
44 |
BATTEN, Eleanor | 1830 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
45 |
BATTEN, Eleanor | 1866 | Brightwell - St Agatha |
46 |
BEASLEY, Eleanor | 1838 | Bray - St Michael |
47 |
BEAZLEY, Eleanor | 1836 | Shinfield - St Mary |
48 |
BECKFORD, Eleanor | 1715 | Hurley - St Mary |
49 |
BEESLEY, Eleanor | 1791 | Chilton - All Saints |
50 |
BEESLEY, Eleanor | 1813 | Remenham - St Nicholas |
51 |
BELL, Eleanor | 1724 | Basildon - St Bartholomew |
52 |
BELL, Eleanor | 1828 | Lambourn - St Michael & All Angels |
53 |
BELSHER, Eleanor | 1802 | East Hendred - St Augustine |
54 |
BENHAM, Eleanor | 1817 | Cookham - Holy Trinity |
55 |
BENNET, Eleanor | 1679 | Reading - St Giles |
56 |
BERNARD, Eleanor | 1641 | Denchworth - St James |
57 |
BETTERIDGE, Eleanor | 1873 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
58 |
BINT, Eleanor | 1867 | Sunningdale - Holy Trinity |
59 |
BIRD, Eleanor | 1819 | Kintbury - St Mary |
60 |
BIRKENSHAW, Eleanor | 1875 | Beedon - St Nicholas |
61 |
BISLEY, Eleanor | 1774 | Cholsey - St Mary |
62 |
BLACKALL, Eleanor | 1772 | North Moreton - All Saints |
63 |
BLACKWELL, Eleanor | 1689 | Basildon - St Bartholomew |
64 |
BLAKE, Eleanor | 1815 | Burghfield - St Mary |
65 |
BLAKE, Eleanor | 1874 | New Windsor - Holy Trinity |
66 |
BOND, Eleanor | 1788 | Aldermaston - St Mary |
67 |
BOWERMAN, Eleanor | 1793 | Bray - St Michael |
68 |
BOWSHER, Eleanor | 1825 | Lambourn - St Michael & All Angels |
69 |
BRIGINSHAW, Eleanor | 1825 | Bray - St Michael |
70 |
BRISTOW, Eleanor | 1800 | Clewer - St Andrew |
71 |
BRISTOW, Eleanor | 1830 | Cholsey - St Mary |
72 |
BROOKS, Eleanor | 1843 | Wokingham - All Saints |
73 |
BROWN, Eleanor | 1790 | White Waltham - St Mary |
74 |
BROWN, Eleanor | 1826 | Great Shefford - St Mary |
75 |
BROWN, Eleanor | 1833 | Wokingham - All Saints |
76 |
BROWN, Eleanor | 1834 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
77 |
BRUNSDEN, Eleanor | 1843 | Caversham - St Peter |
78 |
BUCKNER, Eleanor | 1821 | Wantage - St Peter & St Paul |
79 |
BUCKTROUT, Eleanor | 1743 | Hurley - St Mary |
80 |
BUDD, Eleanor | 1822 | Burghfield - St Mary |
81 |
BURTON, Eleanor | 1778 | Beedon - St Nicholas |
82 |
BUSBY, Eleanor | 1797 | Clewer - St Andrew |
83 |
BUSHNELL, Eleanor | 1677 | Bradfield - St Andrew |
84 |
BUSHNELL, Eleanor | 1843 | Bray - St Michael |
85 |
BUTCHER, Eleanor | 1832 | North Moreton - All Saints |
86 |
BUTLER, Eleanor | 1732 | Chilton - All Saints |
87 |
BUTLER, Eleanor | 1739 | Easthampstead - St Michael & St Mary Magdalene |
88 |
BUTTON, Eleanor | 1805 | Wallingford - Independent Chapel (Market Place) |
89 |
CAINS, Eleanor | 1798 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
90 |
CANNON, Eleanor | 1780 | Kintbury - St Mary |
91 |
CANTLY, Eleanor | 1781 | Bray - St Michael |
92 |
CASTLE, Eleanor | 1890 | Bray - St Michael |
93 |
CAVE, Eleanor | 1834 | Reading - St Giles |
94 |
CHAMBERLAIN, Eleanor | 1772 | Aldermaston - St Mary |
95 |
CHAMBERLAIN, Eleanor | 1807 | Aldermaston - St Mary |
96 |
CHAMPION, Eleanor | 1763 | Peasemore - St Barnabas |
97 |
CHANDLER, Eleanor | 1732 | Brimpton - St Peter |
98 |
CHANDLER, Eleanor | 1817 | Shinfield - St Mary |
99 |
CHANDLER, Eleanor | 1826 | Clewer - St Andrew |
100 |
CHAPLIN, Eleanor | 1844 | Easthampstead - St Michael & St Mary Magdalene |
101 |
CHAPMAN, Eleanor | 1840 | Clewer - St Andrew |
102 |
CHAPMAN, Eleanor | 1873 | Wargrave - St Mary |
103 |
CHARLTON, Eleanor | 1815 | Swallowfield - All Saints |
104 |
CHOAK, Eleanor | 1756 | Purley - St Mary |
105 |
CHURCH, Eleanor | 1863 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
106 |
CLARK, Eleanor | 1680 | Hungerford - St Lawrence |
107 |
CLARK, Eleanor | 1723 | Wokingham - All Saints |
108 |
CLARK, Eleanor | 1738 | Winkfield - St Mary |
109 |
CLARKE, Eleanor | 1863 | Reading - St Laurence |
110 |
CLAYTON, Eleanor | 1777 | Remenham - St Nicholas |
111 |
CLEARE, Eleanor | 1793 | Waltham - St Lawrence |
112 |
CLERK, Eleanor | 1680 | Hungerford - St Lawrence |
113 |
CLINCH, Eleanor | 1799 | Cholsey - St Mary |
114 |
CLINCH, Eleanor | 1815 | Cholsey - St Mary |
115 |
COLEBOURNE, Eleanor | 1833 | Kintbury - St Mary |
116 |
COLLIER, Eleanor | 1795 | Reading - St Giles |
117 |
COLLINS, Eleanor | 1770 | Stanford in the Vale - St Denys |
118 |
COLLINS, Eleanor | 1792 | Clewer - St Andrew |
119 |
COLLINS, Eleanor | 1837 | Bray - St Michael |
120 |
COLLINS, Eleanor | 1868 | White Waltham - St Mary |
121 |
COLLYER, Eleanor | 1841 | Barkham - St James |
122 |
COLSELL, Eleanor | 1821 | Bray - St Michael |
123 |
COLTHRUST, Eleanor | 1791 | Reading - St Giles |
124 |
COLYER, Eleanor | 1893 | Earley - St Peter |
125 |
CONEY, Eleanor | 1825 | Cookham - Holy Trinity |
126 |
COOPER, Eleanor | 1701 | Reading - St Laurence |
127 |
COOPER, Eleanor | 1705 | Reading - St Laurence |
128 |
CORDRY, Eleanor | 1696 | Reading - St Laurence |
129 |
COSTARD, Eleanor | 1742 | White Waltham - St Mary |
130 |
COTTRELL, Eleanor | 1831 | Swallowfield - All Saints |
131 |
COUNCEL, Eleanor | 1727 | Bray - St Michael |
132 |
COWDRIE, Eleanor | 1599 | Didcot - All Saints |
133 |
COWDRY, Eleanor | 1680 | Reading - St Giles |
134 |
COX, Eleanor | 1772 | Harwell - St Matthew |
135 |
COXHEAD, Eleanor | 1840 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
136 |
CREED, Eleanor | 1813 | Wokingham - All Saints |
137 |
CREED, Eleanor | 1828 | Reading - St Giles |
138 |
CROOK, Eleanor | 1911 | Speenhamland - St Mary |
139 |
CROSS, Eleanor | 1815 | Wallingford - St Leonard |
140 |
CULLIMORE, Eleanor | 1880 | Peasemore - St Barnabas |
141 |
CUMBER, Eleanor | 1827 | Reading - St Laurence |
142 |
CURTIS, Eleanor | 1828 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
143 |
CURTIS, Eleanor | 1828 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
144 |
CUTLER, Eleanor | 1646 | Wargrave - St Mary |
145 |
DANCE, Eleanor | 1882 | Maidenhead - St Luke |
146 |
DANCY, Eleanor | 1841 | Bray - St Michael |
147 |
DAVENELL, Eleanor | 1807 | Clewer - St Andrew |
148 |
DAVIES, Eleanor | 1814 | Wantage - St Peter & St Paul |
149 |
DAVIS, Eleanor | 1830 | Kintbury - St Mary |
150 |
DAVIS, Eleanor | 1858 | Compton - St Mary & St Nicholas |
151 |
DAVIS, Eleanor | 1874 | Speenhamland - St Mary |
152 |
DAVIS, Eleanor | 1890 | Bucklebury - St Mary |
153 |
DAY, Eleanor | 1745 | East Lockinge - All Saints |
154 |
DAY, Eleanor | 1814 | Lambourn - St Michael & All Angels |
155 |
DEANE, Eleanor | 1751 | Reading - St Laurence |
156 |
DIAPER, Eleanor | 1860 | Cookham Dean - St John Baptist |
157 |
DIBLEY, Eleanor | 1742 | Fawley - St Mary |
158 |
DIEPER, Eleanor | 1841 | White Waltham - St Mary |
159 |
DISKER, Eleanor | 1719 | Harwell - St Matthew |
160 |
DOLTON, Eleanor | 1803 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
161 |
DORMER, Eleanor | 1855 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
162 |
DUBBER, Eleanor | 1840 | Lambourn - St Michael & All Angels |
163 |
EDWARDS, Eleanor | 1742 | Hurley - St Mary |
164 |
EELLS, Eleanor | 1744 | Stanford Dingley - St Denys |
165 |
ELCUP, Eleanor | 1829 | Inkpen - St Michael |
166 |
ELKINS, Eleanor | 1694 | Reading - St Laurence |
167 |
EMMET, Eleanor | 1770 | Wargrave - St Mary |
168 |
EMMETT, Eleanor | 1838 | Bray - St Michael |
169 |
EMORY, Eleanor | 1764 | Basildon - St Bartholomew |
170 |
EUSTACE, Eleanor | 1824 | Ashbury - St Mary |
171 |
EVANS, Eleanor | 1670 | Reading - St Giles |
172 |
EVANS, Eleanor | 1791 | Eaton Hastings - St Michael |
173 |
FAIRCHILD, Eleanor | 1834 | Lambourn - St Michael & All Angels |
174 |
FEWSTER, Eleanor | 1835 | Caversham - St Peter |
175 |
FIELD, Eleanor | 1825 | Reading - St Giles |
176 |
FILLPS, Eleanor | 1766 | Waltham - St Lawrence |
177 |
FISHER, Eleanor | 1806 | Ardington - Holy Trinity |
178 |
FLETCHER, Eleanor | 1758 | Reading - St Laurence |
179 |
FLETCHER, Eleanor | 1760 | Reading - St Laurence |
180 |
FORD, Eleanor | 1844 | Tilehurst - St Michael |
181 |
FOSTER, Eleanor | 1779 | White Waltham - St Mary |
182 |
FOWLER, Eleanor | 1842 | Boxford - St Andrew |
183 |
FOWLER, Eleanor | 1843 | Lambourn - St Michael & All Angels |
184 |
FRANKLAND, Eleanor | 1810 | Reading - St Giles |
185 |
FRANKLIN, Eleanor | 1851 | Wargrave - St Mary |
186 |
FREEMAN, Eleanor | 1837 | Cholsey - St Mary |
187 |
FRIDAY, Eleanor | 1798 | White Waltham - St Mary |
188 |
FROST, Eleanor | 1727 | Clewer - St Andrew |
189 |
FROST, Eleanor | 1892 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
190 |
FRY, Eleanor | 1827 | Burghfield - St Mary |
191 |
FRY, Eleanor | 1846 | Cookham - Holy Trinity |
192 |
FULKER, Eleanor | 1708 | Reading - St Laurence |
193 |
GARDINER, Eleanor | 1853 | Reading - St Laurence |
194 |
GEORGE, Eleanor | 1856 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
195 |
GEORGE, Eleanor | 1863 | Reading - St Laurence |
196 |
GIBBARD, Eleanor | 1834 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
197 |
GIBBES, Eleanor | 1668 | Reading - St Giles |
198 |
GIBBS, Eleanor | 1823 | Bray - St Michael |
199 |
GILES, Eleanor | 1835 | Appleton - St Laurence |
200 |
GLADDY, Eleanor | 1826 | Remenham - St Nicholas |
201 |
GOODALL, Eleanor | 1793 | Reading - St Laurence |
202 |
GOODALL, Eleanor | 1832 | Reading - St Giles |
203 |
GOODAY, Eleanor | 1829 | Remenham - St Nicholas |
204 |
GOODCHILD, Eleanor | 1850 | Easthampstead - St Michael & St Mary Magdalene |
205 |
GOODWIN, Eleanor | 1680 | Reading - St Giles |
206 |
GOODWIN, Eleanor | 1815 | Reading - St Laurence |
207 |
GRACE, Eleanor | 1840 | Peasemore - St Barnabas |
208 |
GRACE, Eleanor | 1869 | Peasemore - St Barnabas |
209 |
GRAY, Eleanor | 1891 | Didcot - All Saints |
210 |
GREEN, Eleanor | 1816 | Bucklebury - St Mary |
211 |
GREEN, Eleanor | 1821 | Wantage - St Peter & St Paul |
212 |
GREEN, Eleanor | 1876 | White Waltham - St Mary |
213 |
GREENAWAY, Eleanor | 1775 | Letcombe Bassett - St Michael |
214 |
GREENHILL, Eleanor | 1825 | Lambourn - St Michael & All Angels |
215 |
GREENING, Eleanor | 1724 | East Hendred - St Augustine |
216 |
GREENSHIELD, Eleanor | 1828 | Englefield - St Mark |
217 |
GREGORY, Eleanor | 1833 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
218 |
GREGORY, Eleanor | 1833 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
219 |
GRIFFITH, Eleanor | 1639 | Caversham - St Peter |
220 |
GROVE, Eleanor | 1644 | Wargrave - St Mary |
221 |
GUTTERIDGE, Eleanor | 1805 | Caversham - St Peter |
222 |
GUTTERIDGE, Eleanor | 1825 | Caversham - St Peter |
223 |
HAINES, Eleanor | 1797 | Sparsholt - Holy Cross |
224 |
HALE, Eleanor | 1867 | White Waltham - St Mary |
225 |
HALE, Eleanor | 1900 | New Windsor - Holy Trinity |
226 |
HALL, Eleanor | 1633 | Sunningwell - St Leonard |
227 |
HALLETT, Eleanor | 1884 | Earley - St Peter |
228 |
HAM, Eleanor | 1828 | Englefield - St Mark |
229 |
HAMBLIN, Eleanor | 1867 | Twyford - St Mary |
230 |
HARDING, Eleanor | 1708 | Sutton Courtenay - All Saints |
231 |
HARMAN, Eleanor | 1705 | Reading - St Laurence |
232 |
HARRISON, Eleanor | 1654 | Tilehurst - St Michael |
233 |
HART, Eleanor | 1834 | Reading - St Giles |
234 |
HASTINGS, Eleanor | 1822 | Wytham - All Saints |
235 |
HASTINGS, Eleanor | 1832 | Wytham - All Saints |
236 |
HATY, Eleanor | 1679 | Reading - St Giles |
237 |
HAWKES, Eleanor | 1782 | Reading - St Laurence |
238 |
HAWKINS, Eleanor | 1824 | Wokingham - All Saints |
239 |
HAYES, Eleanor | 1855 | Reading - St Laurence |
240 |
HAZEL, Eleanor | 1673 | Little Coxwell - St Mary |
241 |
HEAD, Eleanor | 1651 | Chieveley - St Mary |
242 |
HEADINGTON, Eleanor | 1783 | White Waltham - St Mary |
243 |
HEADINGTON, Eleanor | 1832 | Bray - St Michael |
244 |
HEAVER, Eleanor | 1765 | Wallingford - St Mary the More |
245 |
HEDGES, Eleanor | 1888 | Beedon - St Nicholas |
246 |
HERMON, Eleanor | 1885 | Wokingham - St Paul |
247 |
HEWETT, Eleanor | 1845 | Swallowfield - All Saints |
248 |
HIGGS, Eleanor | 1847 | New Windsor - Holy Trinity |
249 |
HILL, Eleanor | 1693 | Reading - St Laurence |
250 |
HILL, Eleanor | 1773 | Tilehurst - St Michael |
251 |
HILY, Eleanor | 1716 | Reading - St Laurence |
252 |
HINES, Eleanor | 1818 | Wantage - St Peter & St Paul |
253 |
HINTON, Eleanor | 1793 | Waltham - St Lawrence |
254 |
HOCKLEY, Eleanor | 1854 | Bray - St Michael |
255 |
HODGES, Eleanor | 1764 | Reading - St Laurence |
256 |
HODGSON, Eleanor | 1856 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
257 |
HOLLOWAY, Eleanor | 1798 | Swallowfield - All Saints |
258 |
HOLLOWAY, Eleanor | 1807 | Basildon - St Bartholomew |
259 |
HORNE, Eleanor | 1828 | Stanford in the Vale - St Denys |
260 |
HOSKINS, Eleanor | 1641 | Denchworth - St James |
261 |
HOUBLON, Eleanor | 1843 | Peasemore - St Barnabas |
262 |
HOULTON, Eleanor | 1778 | Wokingham - All Saints |
263 |
HOWELLS, Eleanor | 1843 | Caversham - St Peter |
264 |
HUDSON, Eleanor | 1851 | Appleton - St Laurence |
265 |
HUDSON, Eleanor | 1879 | Besselsleigh - St Lawrence |
266 |
HUGHES, Eleanor | 1789 | West Hendred - Holy Trinity |
267 |
HUGHES, Eleanor | 1819 | West Hendred - Holy Trinity |
268 |
HUNT, Eleanor | 1886 | Midgham - St Matthew |
269 |
HUNTER, Eleanor | 1825 | Stanford in the Vale - St Denys |
270 |
HUTT, Eleanor | 1788 | Bray - St Michael |
271 |
HUTT, Eleanor | 1806 | Barkham - St James |
272 |
HUTT, Eleanor | 1898 | Reading - St Giles |
273 |
ILLSLEY, Eleanor | 1748 | Reading - St Laurence |
274 |
INNES, Eleanor | 1815 | Cumnor - St Michael |
275 |
IRELAND, Eleanor | 1702 | Tilehurst - St Michael |
276 |
JACKSON, Eleanor | 1826 | Bray - St Michael |
277 |
JACKSON, Eleanor | 1888 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
278 |
JACOBS, Eleanor | 1834 | Clewer - St Andrew |
279 |
JANES, Eleanor | 1871 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
280 |
JARVIS, Eleanor | 1788 | Combe - St Swithun |
281 |
JEFFRIES, Eleanor | 1838 | Speenhamland - St Mary |
282 |
JEMMAT, Eleanor | 1679 | Reading - St Giles |
283 |
JENKINS, Eleanor | 1831 | Fawley - St Mary |
284 |
JENKINS, Eleanor | 1858 | Fawley - St Mary |
285 |
JENNINGS, Eleanor | 1756 | Easthampstead - St Michael & St Mary Magdalene |
286 |
JENNINGS, Eleanor | 1846 | Stanford in the Vale - St Denys |
287 |
JERVAS, Eleanor | 1788 | Combe - St Swithun |
288 |
JOHNS, Eleanor | 1883 | Twyford - St Mary |
289 |
JOHNSON, Eleanor | 1833 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
290 |
JOHNSON, Eleanor | 1833 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
291 |
JONES, Eleanor | 1776 | West Hendred - Holy Trinity |
292 |
JONES, Eleanor | 1833 | Bray - St Michael |
293 |
JUSTICE, Eleanor | 1733 | Reading - St Laurence |
294 |
JUSTICE, Eleanor | 1733 | Tilehurst - St Michael |
295 |
JUSTICE, Eleanor | 1762 | Reading - St Laurence |
296 |
JUSTICE, Eleanor | 1807 | Reading - St Laurence |
297 |
KEAT, Eleanor | 1763 | Harwell - St Matthew |
298 |
KEATE, Eleanor | 1718 | Sutton Courtenay - All Saints |
299 |
KEATE, Eleanor | 1831 | Aston Tirrold - St Michael |
300 |
KEENE, Eleanor | 1828 | Stanford in the Vale - St Denys |
301 |
KEEP, Eleanor | 1827 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
302 |
KELEY, Eleanor | 1752 | Wargrave - St Mary |
303 |
KELLY, Eleanor | 1779 | Reading - St Laurence |
304 |
KEMBER, Eleanor | 1651 | Chieveley - St Mary |
305 |
KEMBER, Eleanor | 1652 | Chieveley - St Mary |
306 |
KENNINGTON, Eleanor | 1850 | Binfield - All Saints |
307 |
KIMBER, Eleanor | 1651 | Chieveley - St Mary |
308 |
KIMBER, Eleanor | 1652 | Chieveley - St Mary |
309 |
KIMBER, Eleanor | 1711 | Sutton Courtenay - All Saints |
310 |
KIRKPATRICK, Eleanor | 1794 | Aston Tirrold - St Michael |
311 |
LAMB, Eleanor | 1809 | Clewer - St Andrew |
312 |
LAMBDEN, Eleanor | 1849 | Wokingham - All Saints |
313 |
LANE, Eleanor | 1813 | Wokingham - All Saints |
314 |
LANGLEY, Eleanor | 1804 | Clewer - St Andrew |
315 |
LAUDER, Eleanor | 1835 | Reading - St Giles |
316 |
LAVALL, Eleanor | 1716 | Bradfield - St Andrew |
317 |
LAWRANCE, Eleanor | 1730 | Wokingham - All Saints |
318 |
LAWRANCE, Eleanor | 1837 | Reading - St Giles |
319 |
LAWRENCE, Eleanor | 1812 | Hurley - St Mary |
320 |
LAWRENCE, Eleanor | 1815 | Caversham - St Peter |
321 |
LAWRENCE, Eleanor | 1818 | Bray - St Michael |
322 |
LAWRENCE, Eleanor | 1833 | Cholsey - St Mary |
323 |
LEE, Eleanor | 1829 | Reading - St Laurence |
324 |
LEGGE, Eleanor | 1876 | Childrey - St Mary |
325 |
LEWINGTON, Eleanor | 1868 | Reading - St Giles |
326 |
LEWIS, Eleanor | 1825 | Bray - St Michael |
327 |
LINK, Eleanor | 1651 | Wargrave - St Mary |
328 |
LITTLE, Eleanor | 1847 | Wallingford - St Mary the More |
329 |
LOADER, Eleanor | 1846 | Binfield - All Saints |
330 |
LONG, Eleanor | 1678 | Reading - St Giles |
331 |
LORD, Eleanor | 1814 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
332 |
LOVEGROVE, Eleanor | 1776 | Bray - St Michael |
333 |
LOVEGROVE, Eleanor | 1796 | Reading - St Giles |
334 |
LOVEGROVE, Eleanor | 1868 | Maidenhead - St Luke |
335 |
LOVESEY, Eleanor | 1814 | Ufton Nervet - St Peter |
336 |
LOW, Eleanor | 1865 | Remenham - St Nicholas |
337 |
LOYD, Eleanor | 1843 | Cookham - Holy Trinity |
338 |
LUNN, Eleanor | 1841 | Wokingham - All Saints |
339 |
LYNN, Eleanor | 1781 | Easthampstead - St Michael & St Mary Magdalene |
340 |
MACE, Eleanor | 1833 | East Ilsley - St Mary |
341 |
MACLEAN, Eleanor | 1873 | Reading - St Giles |
342 |
MARCHAM, Eleanor | 1809 | Cholsey - St Mary |
343 |
MARRIOTT, Eleanor | 1861 | New Windsor - Holy Trinity |
344 |
MARSACK, Eleanor | 1807 | Caversham - St Peter |
345 |
MARSHALL, Eleanor | 1782 | Waltham - St Lawrence |
346 |
MASKALL, Eleanor | 1700 | Tidmarsh - St Laurence |
347 |
MASKELL, Eleanor | 1837 | Caversham - St Peter |
348 |
MASON, Eleanor | 1700 | Sulham - St Nicholas |
349 |
MASON, Eleanor | 1806 | Wargrave - St Mary |
350 |
MASON, Eleanor | 1872 | Reading - St Giles |
351 |
MAY, Eleanor | 1821 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
352 |
MAY, Eleanor | 1830 | Wokingham - All Saints |
353 |
MAYNARD, Eleanor | 1777 | Wargrave - St Mary |
354 |
MAYNARD, Eleanor | 1808 | Wokingham - All Saints |
355 |
MERISS, Eleanor | 1785 | Clewer - St Andrew |
356 |
MERRIS, Eleanor | 1781 | Clewer - St Andrew |
357 |
MILDENHALL, Eleanor | 1837 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
358 |
MILES, Eleanor | 1678 | Bradfield - St Andrew |
359 |
MILES, Eleanor | 1815 | Ashampstead - St Clement |
360 |
MILLARD, Eleanor | 1690 | Reading - St Laurence |
361 |
MILLS, Eleanor | 1815 | East Ilsley - St Mary |
362 |
MILLWARD, Eleanor | 1685 | Reading - St Giles |
363 |
MILTINBURGH, Eleanor | 1797 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
364 |
MITCHELL, Eleanor | 1833 | Bray - St Michael |
365 |
MORLEY, Eleanor | 1881 | Reading - Greyfriars |
366 |
MORRILL, Eleanor | 1688 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
367 |
MORSE, Eleanor | 1764 | Faringdon - All Saints |
368 |
MOSS, Eleanor | 1816 | North Moreton - All Saints |
369 |
MUNT, Eleanor | 1764 | Cholsey - St Mary |
370 |
MUNT, Eleanor | 1790 | Wallingford - St Leonard |
371 |
MURRAY, Eleanor | 1867 | Reading - St Giles |
372 |
NASH, Eleanor | 1844 | Wallingford - St Mary the More |
373 |
NASH, Eleanor | 1862 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
374 |
NASH, Eleanor | 1871 | Brimpton - St Peter |
375 |
NASON, Eleanor | 1719 | Bray - St Michael |
376 |
NEALE, Eleanor | 1795 | Cholsey - St Mary |
377 |
NEALE, Eleanor | 1805 | Reading - St Laurence |
378 |
NEVIL, Eleanor | 1708 | Appleford - St Peter & St Paul |
379 |
NEVIL, Eleanor | 1742 | South Moreton - St John Baptist |
380 |
NEVILLE, Eleanor | 1731 | Appleford - St Peter & St Paul |
381 |
NEWLAND, Eleanor | 1825 | Binfield - All Saints |
382 |
NICHOLLS, Eleanor | 1682 | Purley - St Mary |
383 |
NIGHTINGALE, Eleanor | 1789 | Remenham - St Nicholas |
384 |
NIGHTINGALE, Eleanor | 1865 | Binfield - All Saints |
385 |
NOBES, Eleanor | 1806 | Bray - St Michael |
386 |
NOBLE, Eleanor | 1828 | Reading - St Giles |
387 |
NOBS, Eleanor | 1797 | Wytham - All Saints |
388 |
NORRY, Eleanor | 1859 | Wokingham - All Saints |
389 |
OAKLEY, Eleanor | 1861 | Swallowfield - All Saints |
390 |
OSBORN, Eleanor | 1804 | Reading - St Laurence |
391 |
OSBORN, Eleanor | 1814 | Caversham - St Peter |
392 |
OSBORNE, Eleanor | 1787 | Reading - St Laurence |
393 |
OSMAN, Eleanor | 1829 | Ashbury - St Mary |
394 |
PAINE, Eleanor | 1703 | Reading - St Laurence |
395 |
PALMER, Eleanor | 1831 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
396 |
PALMER, Eleanor | 1832 | Lambourn - St Michael & All Angels |
397 |
PARK, Eleanor | 1798 | Brightwell - St Agatha |
398 |
PARKER, Eleanor | 1750 | Wargrave - St Mary |
399 |
PARKS, Eleanor | 1776 | North Moreton - All Saints |
400 |
PARLOW, Eleanor | 1711 | Reading - St Laurence |
401 |
PARMINTER, Eleanor | 1816 | Bray - St Michael |
402 |
PARR, Eleanor | 1800 | Reading - St Laurence |
403 |
PARSLOW, Eleanor | 1665 | Wargrave - St Mary |
404 |
PARSONS, Eleanor | 1778 | Clewer - St Andrew |
405 |
PARSONS, Eleanor | 1831 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
406 |
PATTISON, Eleanor | 1758 | Easthampstead - St Michael & St Mary Magdalene |
407 |
PEARMAN, Eleanor | 1831 | Bray - St Michael |
408 |
PEMBROKE, Eleanor | 1827 | Burghfield - St Mary |
409 |
PETTIFER, Eleanor | 1888 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
410 |
PHILIPS, Eleanor | 1830 | Cookham - Holy Trinity |
411 |
PHILLIPS, Eleanor | 1899 | Bradfield - Tutts Clump (Methodists) |
412 |
PILLAY, Eleanor | 1833 | Wokingham - All Saints |
413 |
PILLINGER, Eleanor | 1844 | Swallowfield - All Saints |
414 |
PITHER, Eleanor | 1759 | Binfield - All Saints |
415 |
PITHER, Eleanor | 1822 | Shinfield - St Mary |
416 |
PITMAN, Eleanor | 1842 | Wallingford - St Mary the More |
417 |
PIZZEY, Eleanor | 1845 | Clewer - St Andrew |
418 |
PLEASS, Eleanor | 1864 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
419 |
PLUMERIDGE, Eleanor | 1809 | Hurley - St Mary |
420 |
PLUMMER, Eleanor | 1642 | Wargrave - St Mary |
421 |
PLUMMER, Eleanor | 1874 | Bray - St Michael |
422 |
PLUMRIDGE, Eleanor | 1821 | Bray - St Michael |
423 |
POCOCK, Eleanor | 1680 | Chieveley - St Mary |
424 |
POCOCK, Eleanor | 1850 | Burghfield - St Mary |
425 |
POFFLEY, Eleanor | 1879 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
426 |
POLE, Eleanor | 1759 | Reading - St Laurence |
427 |
POPE, Eleanor | 1837 | Bray - St Michael |
428 |
POPE, Eleanor | 1844 | Tilehurst - St Michael |
429 |
PORTSMOUTH, Eleanor | 1833 | Reading - St Laurence |
430 |
POVEY, Eleanor | 1862 | Reading - St Giles |
431 |
POWELL, Eleanor | 1868 | Boxford - St Andrew |
432 |
POYNTER, Eleanor | 1652 | Chieveley - St Mary |
433 |
PRATER, Eleanor | 1775 | East Hendred - St Augustine |
434 |
PRIOR, Eleanor | 1829 | East Lockinge - All Saints |
435 |
PULLIN, Eleanor | 1822 | Blewbury - St Michael |
436 |
PURBROOK, Eleanor | 1884 | Reading - St Mary (The Minster) |
437 |
PURTON, Eleanor | 1780 | Ardington - Holy Trinity |
438 |
PURVER, Eleanor | 1860 | Wantage - St Peter & St Paul |
439 |
PURVER, Eleanor | 1884 | Earley - St Peter |
440 |
QUELCH, Eleanor | 1771 | Reading - St Giles |
441 |
RAMSEY, Eleanor | 1882 | Chilton - All Saints |
442 |
READ, Eleanor | 1885 | Swallowfield - All Saints |
443 |
RICKETS, Eleanor | 1648 | Wargrave - St Mary |
444 |
RICKETT, Eleanor | 1718 | Combe - St Swithun |
445 |
RICKSON, Eleanor | 1790 | East Hendred - St Augustine |
446 |
RIXON, Eleanor | 1867 | Cookham Dean - St John Baptist |
447 |
ROBINSON, Eleanor | 1868 | Reading - St Stephen |
448 |
ROGERS, Eleanor | 1730 | Bray - St Michael |
449 |
ROGERS, Eleanor | 1826 | Ashbury - St Mary |
450 |
ROW, Eleanor | 1867 | Sunningdale - Holy Trinity |
451 |
SAYWELL, Eleanor | 1772 | Little Wittenham - St Peter |
452 |
SEARLES, Eleanor | 1775 | Bray - St Michael |
453 |
SELLWOOD, Eleanor | 1882 | Swallowfield - All Saints |
454 |
SEYMOUR, Eleanor | 1772 | East Hendred - St Augustine |
455 |
SEYMOUR, Eleanor | 1829 | Swallowfield - All Saints |
456 |
SHEARES, Eleanor | 1682 | Reading - St Giles |
457 |
SHEAT, Eleanor | 1780 | East Ilsley - St Mary |
458 |
SHEPPARD, Eleanor | 1891 | Lambourn Woodlands - St Mary |
459 |
SHERFIELD, Eleanor | 1692 | Reading - St Laurence |
460 |
SHORTER, Eleanor | 1825 | Cookham - Holy Trinity |
461 |
SHUREY, Eleanor | 1795 | Denchworth - St James |
462 |
SILVER, Eleanor | 1818 | Reading - St Laurence |
463 |
SIMEON, Eleanor | 1753 | Reading - St Laurence |
464 |
SIMMONDS, Eleanor | 1834 | Kintbury - St Mary |
465 |
SIMPSON, Eleanor | 1844 | Winkfield - St Mary |
466 |
SIMSON, Eleanor | 1759 | Reading - St Laurence |
467 |
SKINNER, Eleanor | 1831 | Ashbury - St Mary |
468 |
SKY, Eleanor | 1652 | Wargrave - St Mary |
469 |
SLADE, Eleanor | 1816 | Aston Tirrold - St Michael |
470 |
SLADE, Eleanor | 1851 | Reading - St Giles |
471 |
SMITH, Eleanor | 1766 | Combe - St Swithun |
472 |
SMITH, Eleanor | 1796 | Wokingham - All Saints |
473 |
SMITH, Eleanor | 1826 | Caversham - St Peter |
474 |
SMITH, Eleanor | 1874 | Earley - St Peter |
475 |
SMYTH, Eleanor | 1587 | Didcot - All Saints |
476 |
SMYTHE, Eleanor | 1613 | Didcot - All Saints |
477 |
SNOW, Eleanor | 1758 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
478 |
SNUGGS, Eleanor | 1837 | Harwell - St Matthew |
479 |
SOMERSET, Eleanor | 1860 | Newbury - St Nicolas |
480 |
SOMMERSBY, Eleanor | 1761 | Harwell - St Matthew |
481 |
SPARKS, Eleanor | 1796 | Barkham - St James |
482 |
SPELLER, Eleanor | 1896 | Cookham - Holy Trinity |
483 |
STANBROOKE, Eleanor | 1820 | Wargrave - St Mary |
484 |
STEEVENS, Eleanor | 1796 | Bray - St Michael |
485 |
STEPTOE, Eleanor | 1651 | Chieveley - St Mary |
486 |
STEVENS, Eleanor | 1792 | Steventon - St Michael & All Angels |
487 |
STEVINSON, Eleanor | 1632 | Sunningwell - St Leonard |
488 |
STOCKER, Eleanor | 1732 | White Waltham - St Mary |
489 |
STONE, Eleanor | 1820 | Shinfield - St Mary |
490 |
STONE, Eleanor | 1823 | Shinfield - St Mary |
491 |
STONE, Eleanor | 1830 | Clewer - St Andrew |
492 |
STONE, Eleanor | 1830 | Hamstead Marshall - St Mary |
493 |
STONE, Eleanor | 1872 | White Waltham - St Mary |
494 |
STRANGE, Eleanor | 1791 | Cholsey - St Mary |
495 |
STRANGE, Eleanor | 1828 | Cholsey - St Mary |
496 |
STRANGE, Eleanor | 1835 | Wokingham - All Saints |
497 |
STRATTON, Eleanor | 1760 | Kintbury - St Mary |
498 |
STRATTON, Eleanor | 1835 | Ashbury - St Mary |
499 |
SWANN, Eleanor | 1854 | Twyford - St Mary |
500 |
SWARBLY, Eleanor | 1824 | Windsor - Wesleyan Methodist Chapel |